Making millions of impressions with a cross-district content program

Websites, Advertising & Campaigns, Content & Sales Enablement


In 2018, The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools had an exciting new brand and website — but still needed helping telling its stories. With a system spanning 17 high schools, 100+ elementary schools, and four schools of special education, any promotional content that did exist was often piecemeal or incomplete.

The challenge

Without a centralized source of content, the schools’ impressive accomplishments were being missed by prospective families. To make an impact on parents’ perceptions, AOPS needed a system for collecting and sharing its successes — and showing the value of enrolling at its schools.

Our solution

FVM proposed and executed a comprehensive content plan for the 148-school-wide system. Spanning three years, our strategy connected prospects to parents’ perspectives and guides, student success stories, and infographics about academic performance.

infographics about academic performance
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools Content Program

We worked with AOPS administrators to find and distribute stories across the school system in branded templates. Along with announcements about service programs, scholarships, and award ceremonies, that content energized the organization’s social media, internal newsletters, parent communications, and a new area of the website — Explore AOPS.


Thanks in large part to the content plan, AOPS further unified its brand and achievements — and hit all-time records for social impressions, overall site visits, site engagement, and email audiences.

Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools Content Program Stats